Hebrew SeniorLife & Jewish Federation of Cape Cod
2015 “Healthy Living, Healthy Aging on Cape Cod” Program Series
The “Healthy Living, Healthy Aging on Cape Cod” program series will bring engaging, new information on the latest in geriatric medicine and science from the nationally recognized geriatricians and medical researchers of Hebrew SeniorLife, specializing in helping older adults live their best life possible at all ages. In co-sponsorship with the Jewish Federation of Cape Cod, the programs will bring HSL experts to talk to seniors at three locations – Mashpee, Hyannis and Orleans – to provide the greatest possible accessibility to all seniors on the Cape. All programs will be followed by a reception with the speaker.
1: 30 pm Fri. April 17 “The Power of Connection: Friendship’s Benefits As We Age” Mashpee Senior Center Dr. Rob Schreiber, M.D., Medical Director of Outpatient Primary Care Practice, Community-Based Programs, Innovation and Development, Hebrew SeniorLife
To help foster community and connection and prevent loneliness for seniors on the Cape, our first program will focus on the importance of maintaining friendships, staying connected in your community and the negative effects of isolation. Dr. Schreiber will also discuss evidence that friendships and belonging to communities has major physical, psychological and emotional benefits for everyone.
1:30 pm Mon. May 18 “Healthy Aging: A Geriatrician’s Perspective” Barnstable Senior Center “
Dr. Jennifer Brinckerhoff, M.D. Geriatrician, Hebrew Senior Life, Instructor, Harvard Medical School
Geriatricians bring specific expertise to their medical care of older adults that offers major benefits as we age. Dr. Brinckerhoff will present a geriatrician’s unique insights into healthy aging. She’ll explain what a geriatrician can offer to a patient and when a senior might consult with one. Dr. Brinckerhoff will also share her best advice on healthy aging and maintaining our resilience and joy for life as we age.
1: 30 pm, Wed. June 3 “Balance & The Brain: Unlocking the Hidden Connection” Orleans Senior Center Brad Manor, Ph.D., Director, Mobility and Falls Program, Hebrew Senior Life Institute for Aging Research, Instructor in Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
The risk of falls increases proportionately with age and often leads to greater frailty and hospitalization. There is a link between brain function, balance and falls in older adults; and Dr. Manor’s research seeks to alleviate the decline in balance that often accompanies aging and helping us all to avoid falls. Dr. Manor will tell us about his important research and help us to understand how we can improve our balance and reduce our chances of falling and its complications.
To register for one or more of the “Healthy Living, Healthy Aging on Cape Cod” programs and information on Orchard Cove, visit our website www.orchardcoveliving.org or call 781-821-1703.
Registration is also available through senior centers by calling directly at:
Mashpee 508-539-1440
Barnstable 508-862-4750
Orleans 508-255-4333.
Programs are free with prior registration and open to all Cape seniors.
For more information on Hebrew SeniorLife and our ReAge movement, visit our website www.AgingRedefined.org.
For more information on our sister continuing care retirement community in Dedham, NewBridge on the Charles, visit www.newbridgeonthecharles.org